Wednesday, October 27, 2010

catch up

I know it has been weeks since my last post but due to setbacks, I was unable to post. I have been through many changes in my recovery and will touch on a few. First, the complications I was having with the cpm and range of motion modalities, stemmed from what we initially thought was celluitis. Dr. Looney, immediately put me on Augmentin and did an aspiration of my knee. The procedure was less painful than I feared and the 25cc of blood removed looked normal. Next, I was sent for STAT labwork which thanks to hospitals farting around took about 4 days to get the results back. During, that time my knee had massive edema and near circumferential redness and heat.I was scheduled for a Lavage, in case infection was found. Thankfully, all labwork came back normal and no additional surgery was necessary. With a second opinion from Dr Calendine, the diagnosis was major trauma from the surgery caused the skin to become inflammed, irritated and heavily bruised.
In fact, I am now ten weeks out and the bruising and edema are still visible.

Range of Motion: I have slowly progressed and then degressed. In week eight my extension was 108 and flexion 119, weeks nine and ten, the flexion was 109 and 115 respectively. I am unsure of the change as my physical therapy practice has remained the same, two complete sessions a day with multiple quad sets and heel slides. We have now added low resistance stationary bike riding, which doesn't bring the relief I was hoping for. With my other surgeries, it would break up the scar tissue and take away most of the pressure, within the knee. But this isn't most surgeries! Dr Looney, is satisfied with my ROM and when I asked about the amount of pain that is still present, he reminded me that I'm only two months postop. I should expect this amount of pain until around the sixth month.

The osteotomy hurts just as bad as the knee does. Evenmore, now that I'm full weightbearing. I can feel the screws under the skin now and I must admit, it's freaky. I notice an increase in pain when the weather turns cool and when its raining. A myth? I don't think so.

I felt horrible until week six, that's when I became full weightbearing. Well technically, because I still had to use the walker, then progressed to the cane. I spent the better part of two months indoors, only going out for pt and Dr appointments. Trust me, you won't have any desire to go out and if you do, the pain and weakness isn't worth it.

At week ten, I feel much better. I can't say that I walk much better but I'm getting there. The fine staff at Top Rehab are doing their best to get me healed. Even, when I complain and pretend to do mini squats. Dr. Looney and Dr Calendine have given me their all and dedication. As I must say this surgery has been hard on not only me, but my family, friends, and medical team.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Emma's Dr Debut

Friday, I had an appointment with Dr Looney, to remove my stitches. The process hurt more than I remember other stitch removals hurting. The nurse who removed them, was very gentle, my wound is just very sensitive. She removed them quickly, while my three year old niece, Emma, looked on in amazement.
Emma, had her nitrile gloves on ready for her debut as a doctor. Standing on the table beside me she shouted at the nurse for not leaving her a stitch to remove.

Five minutes later, I had steri strips where twenty stitches once were. I am much relieved those damn things were itchy and uncomfortable. The incision is about ten inches long and goes under one of the straps on my brace causing friction between it and the wound.
Dr Looney is very happy with my healing and gives me a good report. He wants to see me back in a week.

physical therapy day 2

Thursday, was my first physical therapy session at Top. I met with Andrea, for an evaluation, Monday. I was a medication withdrawing wreck with the shakes and nausea, she was kind enough to get me a cold pack for my hot flashes.
We did the usual measurements of edema and range of motion. She also, measured my burn, 1.5cm x 1cm just in case any of you care.
My range of motion was only 33 degrees flexion, doing a heel slide with 108 degrees extension.
My patella moved easily, as I had already been doing self mobility exercises at home.

Thursday's, session had greater success. My flexion had improved to 60 degrees with a sitting heel slide. I can't remember extension but it was improved too. I started the usual stretches, hamstring, gastronomic, soleus. Quad and Hamstring sets. And plenty of ankle and other isometric exercises. I'm still unable to do straight leg raises. The muscle control isn't there.
Andrea, has the great task of deciphering the orders between Dr Looney and the Carticel rehabilitation guidelines. There is separate procedures for different lesions etc. I have a combined rehabilitation using the Femoral Condyle, trochlea, and distal realignment guidelines.
I'm to follow the trochlear/patellar protocol combined with the distal realignment protocol. My flexion and ROM goals are 75 degrees by week 3. CPM 8-12 hours a day (0-40 degrees) for 2-3 weeks. Plus my daily routine of motion exercises.
Andrea, stretched my leg before putting me on a "low voltage" electrostim machine.

I did have increased pain after therapy during the night. I must admit my leg felt significantly better after pt.

two weeks

Today, marks two weeks out from surgery. I must say I feel much better than last week. I have almost cut out the pain meds. My appetite is back, I'm still debating whether that's a good thing or not.
Yesterday, I finished the last dose of Lovenox. That's a subcutaneous blood thinning, injection to the love handles.i I was put on that instead of Aspirin, due to spending three days in the hospital after surgery.
I also finished up the worst tasting medicine in the world, Keflex! I had to enjoy that due to a defective bone saw that superheated and caused a burn next to my incision site. It is healing quite nicely, and should he completely healed in about a week.
I felt well enough this weekend to head out to a local Arts and Crafts fair. Big Mistake! Aside, from the lack of handicap access, immense pain occured from not having my leg properly elevated.

I have my third physical therapy session, today at Top Rehabilitation we should be doing measurements on my leg to check swelling and range of motion. I've been diligent with ice and elevation and kept edema to a minimum.

I go see Dr Looney, Friday as he is keeping a close watch on the burned area. I plan on discussing the many pains my leg has and its interference with my precious sleep. I understand that having your knee cut open and your shin cut and moved over, that pain is inevitable but its interupting my time in the CPM.
Its rather strange, I never had any pain caused by the CPM after microfracture. Its cramplike pain in my foot and calf and a tightness in my knee. I can only go to 40 degrees in the CPM for another week, so I'm really at a lose other than the pain is just normal.
I am still unable to do straight leg raises. I just don't have the muscle control to do them. I can move my leg from side to side but not up.

Final Musings: with two weeks down, I do feel better. Take one day at a time and don't think about the 6 weeks until weightbearing, if you do the walls will close in.

things to lose and gain

Prior to having aci with distal realignment it's best to gain and lose a few things.
First, lose all dignity, self respect, and pride. There is no possible way to make it through this surgery and recovery alone. For the first few days the only bath you will get is a spongebath. Your bathroom now becomes a bedside commode or bedpan, neither is enjoyable. Assistance is needed for basically everything, so finding a reliable friend, family, or spousal equivalent is best.
Invest in or find a bedside commode, shower chair, bedside eating tray. Many organizations loan out these items, check with your local Masonic lodge, Lions Club, etc.
Even if your bathroom is 3 feet away from your bed, that's too far to "hop" given the amount of pain you'll be in. Since you'll be non weightbearing for 6 weeks, standing on one leg in the shower is too risky. Get a shower chair, at a week out and you start smelling like a boar hog, you'll be happy to use it. Get a shower wand as well, no use drowning while taking a shower. And yes, I forgot to buy one.
If you must be alone for any length of time, make sure all snacks and meals are close by. There's nothing better than being bedbound and hungry. Don't worry, the first week you'll go through a period of anorexia.
That's just week one. In week two keep your laptop handy. Have plenty of movies & books available.
Any important business needs to be taken care of before surgery. You won't be able to get out and you won't feel like it anyway. Also, bad idea to move the weekend before surgery. This I know from experience, I can't find anything, like my Razor!
Make a schedule of people who can help and when they can and try to make appointments during that time. Until you stop taking painkillers, driving is out and that varies from person to person.
These are just a few suggestions to make life easier after ACI but the best may be, keep your pain pills close.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Worse than Microfracture

0630 I was awake and happy with how my knee felt considering the brutality of the surgery. My ROM brace is locked out straight, swelling is incredible but somewhat masked by the Ted stocking and dressings. My toes are a familiar betadine orange.
Around 0430, the nerve block began to wear off, no increase of pain just tingling from the nerves waking up. By 0830 a new pain began not the constant ache around the osteotomy but a burning stabbing pain around the medial condyle. Soon it became unbearable and I became a slobbering, crying mess. No position of comfort could be found, so I had a phone call made to Dr Looney, within two minutes his office had returned the call and arrangements made for the hospital.
I was begging for relief, the knee felt like someone was hammering a hot poker in it. I took my alloted dose of pain medicine, then I took more. Thankfully, the ambulance came quickly, yes an ambulance! My sister was working that day and who better to come get me? Anyway, I new morphine was in my near future, what I didn't know was that 8 mg, later I would still be in agony.
Nearly, two hours later I was in Williamson medical center emergency department. Dr Looney was in surgery, so Dr Calendine met me in the ED. He is a colleague of Dr Looney and extremely nice to me.
The staff quickly unwrap my leg and check for compartment syndrome, as I was having tingling and numbness but that wasn't the cause. Soon, I received dilaudid and phenergan for my troubles and a quiet peace came over me. Except for my snoring.
I ended up staying 3 days in the hospital with high doses of potent painkillers coursing my veins.
The moral of this story: ACI with osteotomy is worse than Microfracture, its not an outpatient surgery, and make sure you get a prescription for something stronger than Percocet.

Worse than Microfracture

This is no ordinary surgery

My alarm clock went off at 0345 and I picked myself up after falling from the bed. The lack of sleep sucks and yet I'm still running late. I quickly lather up with antibacterial soap while my stomach growled. I should have ate up until midnight.
Finally, we are on our way to Vanderbilt Bone and Joint Surgery Center for my 0600 surgery time.
After checking in I waited only minutes to be called back for prep. When she said, "you again,"wasn't you here just, last month? Now I recognized her, nose ring and all. Not last month but May, I said. Then I went to deliver a urine sample.
We go through the familiar checklist, why are you here? Left knee, who's your Dr? Looney. Next, is the IV and last minute instructions with Dr Looney, while the anesthesiologist prepared the femoral nerve block. A short time later the bright lights and cold steel of the surgery room came into view. No fun and games now as I was immediately put to sleep.
I woke up several hours later in horrible pain, my postop nurse was quick to put the pain medicine to me. After, 16mg of morphine and 3 of dilaudid and a few Percocet I was able to go home.
The rest of the night was uneventful as I was able to get out of bed by myself.
That would soon change.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Move is Complete

I have spent the last few days in a mad frenzy of boxes and wrapping newspaper around fragile items. The move is now complete and most of it, once again unpacked. The accommodations are much smaller, so finding that perfect place for each piece has took a back seat to cardboard boxes. I'm actually hoping when whoever brings the CPM(continuous Passive Motion) leaves it on the step and I avoid having to explain why I moved before a surgery.

I made the hour and a half drive to Franklin, this morning for a Pre-op exam. I'm wondering why, yes Dr Looney examined my knee but it could have waited until tomorrow. Plus, I didn't ask any of the questions I wanted too, eventhough he answered most in the usual pre-surgery chatter.

The procedure should take around two hours, not including recovery period. Its same day at Vanderbilt surgery center. My arrival time? An unbelievable 0600! I nearly fainted hearing that, I'm wondering if lack of sleep will make it harder to wake up from anesthesia?
Dr Looney, explained how the cells will be injected under the periosteum patch via arthrotomy. The camera didn't get installed so I won't get any cool video but I will get great pictures. Its the Paramedic in me, I can't resist gory pictures of my knee cut open and all that's inside.
The tibial tubercle osteotomy is what will give me the most grief. Anyone who's had a leg fracture can appreciate the pain, entailed. Right below my knee a wedge will be made in the bone to take pressure off the patella. With an 85% success rate for aci in patella defects, every effort is made to let the millions of tiny cells do their thing. Then two screws will be placed in that spot to add more discomfort and enjoyment.

I shined up the shower chair today and I have the wheelchair on standby. A ramp was built today in my honor at the homestead. An abundance of steps makes things less enjoyable. Pain medicine staging and a plethora of magazines and movies are at my disposal. I even stashed scissors close so I can give those damn Ted stockings an elasticectomy. I want get to blog as much since I have no internet or phone service in Maybery, I mean the place where I currently reside. How am I posting tonight you ask? Well I'm camped out at my sisters to make a 2 hour drive slighter shorter. I hope to post again Wednesday and quite possibly tomorrow. Depends on how medicated I am. Until next time, Blessed Be.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pre-op take 2

I thought I should fill you in on all the Dr appointments I've been to. First, pre-op went routine, I was just there a little over a month ago. I saw Debbie Jackson, and she did the usual checking of vital signs and chit chat of the procedure. I was unable to see Dr Looney, as he was either overbooked or had hightailed it outta there for vacation. Whatever, the reason my questions are still unanswered or at least confirmed until Monday. That's right Monday, the day before surgery!
While out on a shopping trip, I happened upon, an old friend, who is a Physicians Assistant with TOA. Kim Woodlee, many of you may know her as a star basketball player for Kansas State. TOA or Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance is based in Nashville, Tn.
I was relieved to see her and wish I hadn't been in a state of manic funk and asked more questions. But I was in a clothing store and for those that know me know, shopping isn't my favorite thing to do. Actually, I was just tagging along and so was knee pain, but I digress. Kim, was very understanding, knowledgeable, and compassionate with me and answered probably, my biggest question: How bad is this shit gonna hurt? Answer: very similar to the microfracture!
Yea! Not that it was fun, hell would be a better term but at least I know what I'm up against. With the right pain medication, I should be just fine.

Now on to Dr Schweitzer, I went in Tuesday, for test results and surprisingly enough, most were normal. I have hypothyroidism and vitamin D defiency but when you stay in the house as much as I do, vitamin D is bound to be deficit.
With a little levothyroxine and vitamin D, all will be good.

I also scheduled my physical therapy post-Op exam. Still makes no sense to me why I need to go the day after surgery, but its made. I'm going to assume, they like watching me stagger in via crutches, high on pain pills and slurring my speech. I know they all have their smart phones out, streaming live footage to youtube. Just look under Loo under the influence and Loo on Physical Therapy.
No, really the team at Top Rehab is great.

I want to give a big thank you to Kim Woodlee, for your free and loving advice.
P.S. Only 4 days til ACI.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

questions to ask

Tomorrow is yet another pre-op day, with the fine folks at Vanderbilt Bone and Joint. Time for me to fall into the "beast" of a car and make the 1 and a half hour drive to Franklin. Which very soon after the move will be two hours but what's thirty minutes? Of course by then I will have a chaperone in a red minivan. Awe yes, riding sideways with my unloader brace and narcotic painkillers. High roller indeed!

All week I've been thinking of questions to ask Dr Looney, they would take all day. So I figure its best to let him talk and what he doesn't cover, I will. I do wonder how long I'll be on crutches, I figure non-weightbearing for 6-8 weeks, since the plan is to have an osteotomy. I am having a bit of a shoulder issue that occurrd after the last round of crutches, worsened after a workout. I know I'm looking at a recovery of nearly two years but would like that broke down into when I'll feel "normal" again.

I received a phone call from Top Rehab today. They seem to have a knack of calling right before I have surgery. Strange, eerie? I don't know. Maybe, they wanted to see if I'm still alive, so I will send them some money? Well they found out I'm alive and no I can't send money.
In all seriousness, Fran, was really nice, as always when she calls to ask how I'm doing and just check up. I believe she was even thrilled to hear I'd be coming back in for more "pt"(pain and torture).
Andrea Turner, will be thrilled to help me sort through the 72 week rehab. See ya soon Andi!

Dr Looney won't be thrilled with how much weight I've gained but that will make two of us. I shall lose ten pounds or so after surgery, albeit, quad muscle mass, if there is any left to lose.

I haven't received my test results from my visit with Dr Schweitzer, hopefully, I will get them before pre-op tomorrow. I am definitely staying away from the EKG technician at VB&J, and any parading around like Holly Madison. Today was election day I do hope you exercised your right! Well folks, that's all I have will give further report tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Seems Real Now

Last Friday, Dan Gates, the surgery scheduler, called me from Vanderbilt Bone and Joint, to officially schedule my surgery & post-op dates. My pre-op appointment is Friday, yes I know I have already been through pre-op but their policy is only good for thirty days and it is just beyond that, so I'm going again. Dr Looney, wants to consult and prep a little more about the aci, as I still have many questions. You must be thinking, how many more answers does she need? Well detail oriented as I am, I can never have enough answers. Even simple things like, how soon can I shower? Will I need a bed pan? Who's going to change it? Right on up to the bigger ones, how long of a recovery? How much pain? What type of osteotomy? I'm not necessarily a creature of habit just one who plans a lot.
I even emailed my Genzyme liasion to confirm they received all required paperwork. I got a prompt reply from Mr Brooks and all is set and final phase of cell growth is underway.

I am on fire this week! Feeling better than I have in months & taking care of business. I even found a new primary care physician named, Dr Meredith Schwietzer. She is really great, we got along well and we seem to share the same ideals, as far as, natural, alternative styles. I made the appointment for a couple of reasons, 1 its been years since I've had a good primary care physician and 2. To tell someone other than my family about my depression and insomnia. Frankly, they're tired of hearing about it and I'm tired of talking to them. Lol!

Dr Schwietzer, not only listened but was very compassionate and offered great advice. I chose not to take any antidepressants or other medication. I hate taking medicine of any kind, even though sometimes it is appropriate. I have had a different mindset this past week and just hope it continues.
Via her scales my weight gain is 65 pounds not 50, I'm going with mine. I also had the standard blood & urine tests to give everything a good once over. Especially, my thyroid, I would like to blame my weight issues on it being under active, over my stuffing food in my mouth.

I also wanted to get a good wellness check before surgery, incase anything is out of whack. Like say a thyroid. Lol my bloodwork should be back before pre-op. She also wanted to do an Ekg but I was quick to point out I recently had one. Remember, I was exposed like I was preparing for a playboy photoshoot. Somebody is still having nightmares I'm sure! On well learn how to perform a 12 lead, while leaving a person their dignity. I'm almost certain that nurse used to work at an obstetrician & gynecologist office.
Enough about that, with all the hustle and bustle of Dr visits, the aci surgery seems real now, as do the challenges I will face over the next 18 months.

Insurance advice

Let me say a few things about insurance companies. First, the percentage is high that they will deny a procedure the first and even second time. (My ACI was denied three times before approval). Let's face it, they make money by ripping you off. I was offered a job, selling insurance once, I turned it down. After listening to a con artist trying to con me, I realized I could never play that game.
If denied, go through the appeals process and request a "peer to peer" with your physician and your insurance medical director. That's were they discuss your case, hopefully leading to an approval.

Second, don't give up!
Start a letter campaign to your insurance provider, not just one but multiple letters. Request another appeal by the carriers medical board. Seek multiple "second" opinions from qualified physicians. Call your carrier at least twice a week, if not everyday to check on the progress. Don't let them forget you.

Third, Use your state Representatives
They are there to represent their constitutes and are happy to help. Healthcare Reform is always a hot topic issue.

Finally,(Which should be the first thing you do). Be sure to read your insurance policy and see what items are covered and how much is covered. Be familiar with the pre-certification and appeals process. Save all EOB's and record all contact made with your insurance. Who you talked to, what department, what date and time, what assistance, if any, they provided. Don't be fooled into paying upfront costs, if someone from your insurance carrier requests that, direct them to your surgeons and Genzymes insurance liasions.
That didn't happen to me but I have heard about cases, were it did. Don't aggravate your Dr to death. I'm sure Dr Looney was about to go, well looney, getting my approval. Cigna would tell me to call him,that they needed him to call and they needed to talk to a health care professional. What the hell am I? Dr Looney would be waiting on them to call, then they didn't. All while I was crying(not literally) in his ear or rather email. So in my case Cigna was real good at giving me the run around But persistence paid off.
I am going to give a huge shout out to Dr Looney and his staff for fighting the insurance giant and getting me one step closer to healing.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Old Self

I have had two great days! Monday, I spent with family and had a little family outing. Tuesday, I woke up feeling like my "old self." Something I really haven't posted on here but I'm sure has been apparent to everyone, is that I've had a case of the "blues." Okay, maybe depression that's my own diagnosis and not that of a trained professional. I'm a paramedic, doesn't that automatically give us a minor in psychology? Maybe not, anyone crazy enough to be in EMS needs a good shrink. Wonder, if Dr Phil is available?
I came to that conclusion from one of those anti-depression medication commercials, the ones that say, have you lost interest? Oh wait, that was Cialis, Nevermind.

Now that I'm lucid, I would say I have been down in the dumps, since the first surgery nearly a year ago and it didn't help when I was "released" from work. You know, I always wondered what a Kentucky race horse feels like when its put out to pasture, when their racing days are done. Probably like this, walking with a limp and at least a 50 pound weight gain.

I mailed the Carticel package today and now let the final cell growing phase begin. I must also make an appointment to see Dr. Looney to discuss the particulars of the procedure. After reading this he may have me put into the Centennial Psych Ward. At least I won't be in there for addiction, assuming food addiction doesn't count.

The knee has been on the tender side this week, but I have been working it very hard to build up muscle tone. And like any cartilage free knee increased activity equals increased pain. That must ring true for AC joints in shoulders since I have had to critically limit overhead weight lifting. Again, my own diagnosis but should certainly be interesting on crutches.

I may only be having a "manic moment" here by sharing this but the blog is about How Knee Surgery Changed My Life and I feel emotional difficulties or triumphs should be included. I am not the only one who suffers from them and feel others may benefit from my airings. There are worst things in the world than knee surgery and financial ruin, as anybody in the business of life and death knows but while you're dealing with it you tend to lose sight of the bigger picture.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More Fancy Knee Words

It has been awhile, since I have laid out some fancy medical terms. So here goes the story of surgery number two. Picture it May 2010, persistent Left knee pain after Microfracture in September 2009. MRI showed no ligament injury but appeared the microfracture had failed.
Onwards to the Lateral Release: this procedure was done arthroscopically along with another chondroplasty of the patella. Autologous Chondrocyte implantation biopsy and Anterior interval release(infrapatellar contracture scarring release with infrapatellar plica release).
Myself and Dr Looney had already discussed ACI prior to this procedure and two tic tacs were obtained as well for Carticel. No, not breath mints but basically, healthy chondrocytes taken for growth equal to the size of a tic tac. Sounds good to me, does it work for you?
The patella defect now measured 2.5cm x 1cm and the medial femoral chondyle measured 2cm x 1cm and was a grade 4 defect.
This surgery resulted in a decrease in patella pain and was definitely the easiest of the two. A lot of people are reluctant to have a lateral release but for me it seems to have helped. I had some sharp pains near the trochlea but that was from the biopsy. The chondyle pain is still there but its on a weightbearing portion of my knee and nothing a lateral release could relieve, anyway.
After the surgery I was given 6 stitches, a ROM brace and thanks to a femoral nerve block, very little pain. Perhaps, I haven't warped your mind and sent you into a medical term coma,but rather given you some insite of the world of knee repair.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Get Well Soon

I am happy to report that Teri from Texas, had great news during her surgery. Get well Soon!

Its been a few days since my last report, no news is good news yes? I have been super busy trying to move and take care of a few financial things, so that is taking up most of my time.
I started working out again after a week break and lets just say, the workout has kicked my ass. My biceps are screaming at me just for typing and my knee says hello as well.

I have almost completed my first novel and plan to have it complete and to the editor by surgery day. That gives me 32 days, yikes! My novel is called WE Cry Too and is about EMS and details their life, as well as the lives of the patients they serve. I am very excited and hope that I can bring a greater understanding about the family of EMS providers.

On knee news I am happy to say that my knee hasn't been weak, i.e. giving away, locking up, etc. Just the "normal" pain that is constant. Last night after my workout I had some stabbing pains in both medial and lateral sides of the knee. There is still pain upon touch were the lateral release was performed. But that is normal, it's only been three months. I still have a long way to go, getting the quad muscles built back up. My balance isn't any better and I'm sure it's not going to improve, that appears to be a problem unrelated to my knee.
I'm also adding a few lunges to the workout, perhaps not true lunges due to my inability to completely bend or squat.

On a lighter note, joke here, I have lost five pounds on my way to at least twenty before surgery. So all in all its been a good week.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Date is Set

I had an excitement filled Independence Day Holiday. I spent a few days with the family without the knee acting up too much. I viewed a holiday airshow and fireworks display, never have I heard Independence themed music, along with Johnny Cash and the Beach Boys, followed by Rocky Top.All while fireworks lit up the night sky. I caught a couple of fire truck filled parades. I thought parades consisted of floats, bands and pride of our country, not atv's and sirens. Not that I'm opposed to hearing sirens, it has been awhile since I have listened to the scream of one while driving through rush hour traffic only to get trapped by one SOB that refuses to move over.

I digress, come on people, get a little patriotic.My rant is over, I did enjoy myself just merely making a point. I fired up the grill and burned some corn, squash and various meat products. I never claimed to be a chef! When I push the plate away from me, BEWARE.

When I returned home, I had a FED EX package waiting. It was from the Carticel group confirming my surgery date for August 17th. I am ecstatic that its all come together. I was hoping for a July surgery but that gives me a month to lose the 20lbs, I've been losing for the past 4 months.
Where is Jillian Michaels, when I need her?

While on my holiday, I neglected my knee exercises, slightly. Well maybe more than that and it's mildly stiff and increased in pain. I predict with a couple days of normal routine it will be back to its, postop normal.

In closing, I want to thank Dr. Looney for his good works and listening to my bitching and getting Cigna inline. And wish good luck to Teri during her knee surgery scheduled for Monday.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Finally Approved

Finally, I got approval to have the ACI surgery. Dan Gates, called today and he had spoken with Genzyme and the procedure has been approved. That takes my stress level down a notch or does it? The surgery date hasn't been set but I should be getting that set up this week.This comes at the perfect time since I am getting ready to move.

My knee has been hurting for the past five days, even doing my leg stretches and ice haven't helped. I am doing 4lb weights with at home pt and riding my stationary bike frequently. Unfortunately, that pizza seemed to have made the 2lbs lost reappear. I guess now its a juice diet before surgery.

Even though, my knee was hurting I managed to watch my nephew, Tanner play baseball. Last night, he made his pitching debut, well since two years ago and done great. His team won by a score of 10-6 in the district 8 Allstar Tournament.

Last night was the premiere of the Twilight Saga: Eclipse. My sister snagged us tickets to the 1am showing at the local theater. I know what you are thinking, 1am! Isn't that late? well not for me since I sleep at day and up all night. I blame it on nearly a decade of EMS or am I half vampire? Regardless, it is well worth it as 7 million people watched the opening night. It still surprises me that most people that watch the movies, have never read the books. They don't know what they are missing.

With that I will close, not much with the knee, other than the usual. Just wanted to share that the denial was overturned and soon I shall be cloned. Can't wait for that movie to come out, Loo: cloned!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feeling Good

I have written several posts this week, that were pure genius. Unfortunately, my BlackBerry didn't post them, so I have had to track down a computer to keep you guys informed. I'm sorry you couldn't read those posts but genius can't be repeated. And I can't remember what the heck it was that I wrote, so hopefully, this will work.
This week has actually been fantastic! It has to be the summer weather but my knee has given me a couple days to get out and enjoy myself. Don't get me wrong the pain is still there but is tolerable. I caught a couple softball games and meet up with some old friends, whom I haven't seen in years. I was able to stand for about an hour before the knee said, excuse me,Loo but you have bone ends rubbing together, take it easy.
The next day I paid for all the excitement, with edema and pain that forced me to stay in the house, with my best friends, ice pack and elevation. Saturday, my niece and I went to Nashville to watch the NPF softball team the Tn Diamonds, play the USSSA Pride. We got to meet all the players, who were gracious enough to sign autographs and get their pictures taken with hundreds of young, silly band wearing, girls. Some ice and rest after I got home and I was good to go.

I reached down recently, and I think I found some muscle mass building up around my knee. Could that be? I am exercising at home and feeling really good, I had lost two pounds but that was before I cooked a pizza.
I have contacted Cigna multiple times and still they are useless to talk to, insisting that my physician needs to call them. So, still no surgery date. Come on people, pain here.

I have a new friend, who is having knee surgery in July, quite different from mine but a very interesting story. She is an EMT and so we share in the family of EMS. I'm glad someone out there understands the sarcasm, in this blog. I wish her the best of luck and look forward to hearing more about her progress.
I'm also searching for new career options, so any ideas would be appreciated.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

denied again

I finally found out the source of the delay of surgery, it is Cigna. They have denied me again, this time citing insufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety and/or effectiveness of autologous chondrocyte transplantation in the treatment of lesions of the patella. Go tell that to the people walking around, pain free, after ACI. It appears, I will have to send them a not so nice letter, this comes after they flaked on a peer to peer session, with Dr Looney. If you are unaware Cigna, the longer someone waits who has no/decreased cartilage, the greater the chances are of developing osteoarthritis and further bone damage.Thus, leading to total/partial knee replacements. At 26 years old I am not a candidate for knee replacement nor do I wanna be. There I got that out of the way.Dr. Looney is still confident that the surgery will be approved and I am optimistic as well.
I must say my Physical Therapy is going great. I am still seeing improvements in muscle tone and swelling. I still have some pain from the lateral release but full flexion and extension. The pain under my kneecap has improved slighty, which is great, I'll take slight.

I'm going to use this post to congratulate my nephew, Tanner, and his team for winning the City Championship!!! He had the only homerun in the contest, hitting the scoreboard in centerfield. Congratulations!!! Orioles!!!

While watching the game, I wondered if I would be able to participate in competitive sports again.Or if it was wise to even entertain the thought? I love sports and am a big proponent of women's sports in particular, yes, i'm leaning towards another blog, so stay tuned. Anyway, I know Dara Torres, had this same surgery, so I am interested to see how she does. Yes, she is a swimmer, so the knee isn't taking a pounding like running or basketball would. I haven't come across any other athletes who have had ACI, some have had microfracture, with mixed results. Perhaps, its time to sit on the sidelines or coach. I guess I'll have 18 months to figure that one out.

I plan on putting some pictures on here soon, that is if I can figure it out. Now i'm going to write a letter to Cigna.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Greater Detail

Its time I explained my diagnoses in even greater detail. I try to document my journey, with humor, honesty, and emotion and to tell it in such a way that everyone can understand. So here goes:
When I had my first knee surgery in September of 2009, I was 25 years old and in great health. My preoperative diagnosis was left knee pain, possible medial meniscus tear. My postoperative diagnosis: chondral defect left patella, grade 3 defect medial femoral condyle.
The procedures: Medial Femoral condyle chondroplasty,
Abrasion arthroplasty and microfracture of the patella.
I had grade 2 change of the central trochlea region of the patellafemoral joint. Grade 4 change along the medial aspect of the patella at the junction between the medial and lateral facet. This measured 1cm x 12 mm.
My patella tracked well, so a lateral release wasn't done. I had no plica or suprapatellar adhesions or synovitis. I had no meniscal tear and no chondral injury laterally. The femoral condyle defect was 2cm x 5mm.
Now, are you confused? Me too! But don't worry, I'll explain it all.

A chondral defect is a lesion of the hyaline cartilage. Imagine eating chicken leg, the gristle at the end, is the hyaline cartilage.I had to throw that in for all you chicken eaters! lol! Chondroplasty reshapes the articular cartilage, while abrasion arthroplasty penetrates the tissue beneath the articular cartilage. This activates cells to form fibrocartilage. Which is less strong.
The microfracture is tiny fractures made in the bone to create clots and activate stem cells to grow new cartilage. This procedure was invented by Dr. Richard Steadman of the Steadman- Hawkins Clinic in Vail, Colorado. So says google.
My surgeon, Dr Colin Looney, did a fellowship at the Steadman-Hawkins Clinic. I am very confident with his skills.

I know I've thrown a bunch of words out, but I like to know the details and figure some of the people reading this, feel the same.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I went for my preop and to see Dr. Looney today. Not much to do considering nothing has changed in a month. Good news to report on the lateral release, my kneecap has loosened up tremendously. For a kneecap that is a good thing. I still have swelling, pain, and heat but is easily managed with rest, ice, and elevation.
Carticel is still being ridiculous or Cigna, not for sure which one exactly. Carticel is saying they need pre- authorization before they can start growing the cells and Cigna has already sent me a pre-authorization letter. Plus, the surgery center says they scheduled the surgery when the hot the pre-auth. Such fun, I'm fairly sure nothing is simple with me.
We are shooting for surgery on June 22nd but myself and Dr Looney feel it will be the first part of July before everything is in place.
Until then I will be sitting on the couch, watching the womens college world series, waiting to be called up to play. Tn actually has a pro fastpitch softball team, currently based in Nashville. Eight bucks a ticket behind home plate! Next year, season tickets for me!
I also am done with physical therapy. Yahoo! I've been in pain since the last session.
With that said, I will continue pt at home and focus on weightloss. Its extremely important to be in decent shape before surgery, to help yourself out. I mean damn, I have gained over the last 2 surgeries, leg dimples. Gack! And back tits. Double gack!
Just forget about that last sentence, don't close your eyes just call your shrink.
I didn't really ask many questions today, seeing as we are in holding mode right now. So Carticel, Cigna we are waiting and ready to go. I would like to not have the knee of a 70 year old anymore.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I received a call today from Dan Gates, at Vanderbilt Bone and Joint. My surgery for next week, has been postponed until June 22nd, tentatively. He got a call from Genzyme group, that my cells were not ready. Bummer! I am so ready to get this over with and start the healing process, towards a normal life, again.
Carticel, the lab that grows the chondrocytes must have 12-14 million cells per vial, to make an attempt at implantation. This requires four to right weeks to achieve, I'm at four weeks now. Also, a delay in the surgery center seems to have trickled down to Genzyme, as they have an insurance approval they go through as well. Even though, my insurance has already approved the procedure. Yes, I know very confusing and frustrating as I told Dan, a couple more weeks to get my tan on.
Not only work on my tan but use my biggest loser training for weight lose and muscle growth.
I may be the only person, who wants surgery at the heighth of vacation season. I'm in a bit of a time crunch with insurance, I only have it for a few months and my pt lasts about 70 weeks. Plus additional surgery to take care of osteotomy.
I wonder when I receive my Foley catheter, if they will notice my farmer tan? Gack!
I wonder since my surgery is postponed, if Andrea, will come knocking on my door and drag me back to pt? I still haven't recovered from yesterday's workout. The stabbing pain is gone but now the entire knee aches. All that equals another night of sleeplessness. Sigh! With a home computer and all my free time, I could solve the worlds problems.
I do have something to look forward to this week. The Womens College World Series. I am a fastpitch softball freak! So with games starting tomorrow and ending the 9th, I'll be content with my new job as a TV watcher instead of attending the games.
I guess I will close this depressing post, and do my at home physical therapy.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last Chance Workout

Today was my last physical therapy session at Top Rehab before the "big surgery". In exactly one week I will be cut open, or as my there year old niece says, " they cutting your knee off".
Well I hope not but I'm sure it will feel that way, I'm even considering a tattoo of my surgery scar. Kat Von D, are you available? I'm broke so could you do it for free? I mentioned the tattoo to Andrea, so she drew a smiley face on my knee, using two of the scope scars as eyes.
It is so simplistic, yet unique maybe I shouldn't wash my leg, seeing as how I have an Andi original.
All of my range of motion tests were great, so no more wall slides. Yahoo! Whatever those things do? After measurements, I could feel a different energy in the air. As if, jillian Michaels, had entered the room, when Andrea told me to get on the treadmill. Omg! This time I turned the fan on myself, as she dialed up 2mph at 7% incline. Now to most that isn't much but to someone with a bum knee and who has been sedentary for months, it is.
I walked my five minutes, then five more on "ole Rusty". Then, something new! Already? This is outrageous, I'm still delicate. Sniff!, snort!
No use trying to talk my way out of it, Jillian, I mean Andrea, put a harness around me.
Yes, a harness, like something a mule would wear. Actually, I was attached to a weight machine and had to walk until the weights pulled me back, like a YoYo. If you watch the biggest loser you will know what I'm talking about. Jillian, will drag behind the contestants, holding a rope as they pull her. I know sounds like a porno, not that I would know.
I did fairly well on this exercise, minus a couple times when walking sideways. Apparently, I'm still weak, I didn't know you could lose teeth at pt.
Within the first fifteen minutes of physical therapy, I had already worked up a sweat and lost five pounds. As a matter of fact, my shorts tried to make an escape during marching and kicking. Its a good thing I drank a protein shake before my workout, ahem pt session. I really enjoyed it, I have missed sweating. No crude jokes please! I wish I could have had lateral release a few months back. My pain has decreased enough that I can go outside and be a little more active. And with that said since the "last chance workout" today, I've had stabbing pains in the medial aspect of my knee. Go figure.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New things

Yesterday, I paid a visit to the lovely folks at Top Rehab. I could tell they missed me so much since I was the victim, I mean patient, of Andrea and Tracy. First, Andi, she likes it when I call her that, did leg measurements and strength tests. Two of the strength tests I failed miserably, I came to pt awake, for once and feeling strong.
That didn't last long, after the initial stretching of quads and hamstrings, I stood on one leg and did heel and toe raises, holding on of course. No need to do a faceplant in front of the children.
Then came the biggest loser moment, the "treadmill". Excuse me did you just at treadmill? Is that some new way of torture?
My mind was reeling, when was the last time I had been on a treadmill? I'm not sure. So I stare down my opponent, willing it to breakdown.
Did it work? Not exactly, after five minutes of begging I took off the drama queen crown and stepped on this new shiny piece of machinery.
With Andi by myside and Tracy snickering behind her desk, I made the first step.
Hey, wait a minute, this is just like walking!
My knees grew weak and my heart went into fibrillation as they messed witn the buttons. Can you walk just a little faster? Asked Andrea. So at 2.5 mph and 7% incline, I marched holding on for dear life.
They were kind enough to show me this carnival ride had a personal fan, just for me. Isn't that special? How about a personal defibrillator?
Five minutes later, I was freed from the beast. Feeling faint I wanted to take a knee but then I realized I can't squat down. So I powered on to the next exercise of what I don't remember, I was slightly hypoxic.
I almost forgot, I got the thrill of doing heel stool scoots. Did I just enter damnation? One lap around the gym and pray you stay on the stool after you run over your own foot.
More exercises are done, my reps are increased to twenty with a one pound weight. Not so bad, then Tracy tells me I must mount the ancient bicycle. Yes, I said mount. I limp over to ole "Rusty" and make the leap to the seat. Maybe I should tell them my real height is about three inches shorter. Oh well, five minutes later its off for wall slides and electroshock therapy.
Tracy, brought over my electrodes and placed them over the quad muscles. Then she delicately turned the machine on full blast, causing a surge of adrenaline only felt when hit by lightning.
I now layed quivering in the fetal position, listening to her thunderous roar of laughter, as she turned down the volts.
If my quad muscles weren't working before they are now.
Finally, I was released from captivity and hurried out the door before Tracy called United Regional to reserve me a death room. Oops! I said I wouldn't reveal the name. Its out now.
All in all I must say this weeks physical therapy session was hair raising to say the least.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Physical therapy day 3

It has been several days since my last post. I have had no internet, thanks to Verizon Wireless and their lack of towers. Once I figured out all I had to do was press 3 numbers, all was good. Maybe I should ask for a free month of services, since I had nearly week long internet withdrawals.
Last Tuesday was day 3 of p.t. Tracy Mason PTA, made it a very relaxed atmosphere, as we discussed the lack of competent doctors at a local hospital.No I will not say which one, as I may be in that town and have no choice but to go there. Gosh, I hope not!
We added a few new exercises, mini, let me say mini, squats, one legged stands, wall slides. I think that's all of them, I guess I will find out tomorrow, if I left any out.Everything is going well, I'm still having pain on the short arc quads, except at p.t. Don't you just love when that happens, You have a pain and it goes away around doctors and physical therapists? Oh well, it's still there, if you guys are reading this.
I must say, I fought with Tracy, over the mini squats. I hate those things, they hurt and take me back to high school and doing wall squats in phys. ed. Sure, I could do them, then, I had knee cartilage and I was built, if I do say so myself. Plus, p.t. gets a kick out of my arguing with them and not getting my way.
I noticed my balance seems better,. I am walking faster, which my sister's husband pointed out or maybe I was just trying to escape from their three screaming kids. Two pre-teens and a three year old fighting over the last blue Gatorade, is enough to make anyone run for their sanity.
Most of the stiffness and bruising is gone. The swelling is still there but my knee, looks like a knee again. My incision sites have healed well, they are still tender to touch. I am also tolerating the knee brace better. Yahoo! Sounds very much like a good week.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


My knee was a little stiff today or I should say a lot. Waking up I had no pain, but that first step looked very much like an infant, I stumbled halfway across the room.I quickly grabbed my walker and pushed on towards the bathroom. After the first five steps, I walk somewhat normal. The swelling seems to have increased slightly but that's from being weight bearing. I'm continuing ice and elevation therapy, several times daily. The new knee brace is causing increased pain, to the point that I have kept it off most of the day. The problem is it pushes on the kneecap laterally to medially and since I had a lateral release, it's putting pressure on the cut. Also it goes across two of the incision spots which are still very tender.
I have been doing my physical therapy, twice daily religiously. The building up of quad muscles seems to be the most important muscle group to work on. I get through most of them with little pain, except the short arc quad. That's where I put a rolled up towel under my knee, hold a ball between my thighs (no illicit jokes will be made here), and raise my leg up. The pain is where my defect is but is increased since surgery. Not sure if this is normal or I should discontinue that exercise. I also have extreme weakness doing heal and toe raises. To the point I have to hold on to something. Last thing I need to do is end up in the floor, I would hate for the Calvary of twelve fire trucks and 2 ambulances and six police cars to show up. Since I know them all, youtube and Facebook would have mobile picture overload.
I had a very unexpected surprise today. My sister called and said she had somethings to drop off. Alright, I brace myself, one never knows what she has stumbled across. She is always on the lookout for a good deal, so I was excited. A few minutes later she walks in with wheelchair feet props, not the elevating kind, but props none the less and a potty chair. Never had I been so excited to see those three items.
She had been to her inlaws and mentioned my predicament and it just so happened a certain organization with secrets supply these items to folks in situations such as myself.
I am truly grateful for their generosity and my sisters desire for good deals.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Zombie Walking

Today's post-op visit was unremarkable. I basically drove a hour and twenty minutes, to have my stitches removed. Which I could have performed at home, oops! Maybe I shouldn't say that? My appointment was at 1340, yes I use military time, I've been doing that for ten years and see no reason to stop, for those of you wondering, if you just add twelve to whatever time it is, say 1 o'clock, you get 1300. Anyway, I borrowed my sisters SUV, due to not being able to fit in mine wearing the ROM brace. A big bulky exoskeleton, that extends from hip to ankle, combine that with a Ted stocking and crutches and that's what I call a party!
The parking lot at Vanderbilt Bone and Joint Clinic is all uphill, not very smart considering most patients coming there are crippled. The three handicapped spots were taken, so the only thing left for Loo, was the top of the hill were patients are loaded and unloaded. Before you go all bluehair on me, I went alone, sister is still recovering from sinus surgery and I was on crutches, so there!
I made it inside without incident and waited 40 minutes to be called back. It wasn't a bad wait, I found an empty couch to sit and prop my leg in and started my observations.
Waiting rooms aren't the best places for medical personnel. A people watcher by nature, I analyze the reasons for peoples injuries. Like, she was probably doing a herkey and tore her menisci or his midlife crisis motorcycle was just a bit to heavy for him to hold up. I look at all the braces and grimaces each person has and for just a moment I wonder why I'm here, until that pain rips through my knee.
I don't have an incredible story about how I injured my knee. It remains a mystery as to what caused the problems but let me just say lifting 300 plus pound patients 24 hours a day couldn't have helped.
Back to the visit, I was lead to a room about a quarter of a mile from the waiting room. Huffing and puffing I made it to my chair with cyanotic lips. Where I deblinged and waited for the stitch removal. Five minutes later, six stitches gone, steri strips placed and Dr Looney was twisting my knee around.
Everything looked great, still swelling from the lateral release, bruising minimal. I am off the crutches and out of the brace and stocking until the next surgery anyway. I do have to wear a knee-o-tracker, which is a small brace that wraps around the patella (kneecap)to keep it tracking correctly. Since that was a problem before and the reason for the lateral release. I now walk like a Zombie, arms outstretched and legs wildly taking whatever path they choose. Not as controlled as a mummy, its worse after I have been sitting awhile and my knee has gotten stiff. As my pal, Chuck says Zombies Don't Run, that is true in my case. Hopefully, physical therapy will strengthen up my leg before June.
I have another appointment to see Dr Looney in three weeks to discuss the ACI procedure and do pre-op stuff.
I have lists of questions to ask, two of which are how many people do I need to change my bedpan and how good are the pain meds? If any of you have been through this, I welcome comments and any questions.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This just in

This just in, I received a call from Dan Gates, of Vanderbilt Bone & Joint Clinic, to schedule the third surgery. It is scheduled for June 8th. Five weeks after the lateral release and chondrocyte biopsy. The third surgery is the autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). That is were they, implant new cartilage onto my defect, from my own chondrocytes grown in a lab. Dr. Looney will also do a tibial osteotomy to release pressure off the implanted patch. From what I hear, seems to be the most painful part of the procedure. Sounds all very complex to me, its actually the same surgery Olympic swimmer, Dara Torres had or so I have read.
I have read over the procedure many times online and concluded that its going to be a long and difficult journey. Especially, for someone who lives alone, being non-weight bearing for a month brings up many limits to daily activities of daily living situations. Of course, I may not be living alone then, due to money situation, the folks may have to clean out a room for me. They live a ways away and I have no cellphone service there, so its really impractical for me. Tomorrow is my post-op appointment with Dr. Looney. I'm really excited to get the six stitches out and maybe off the crutches and ditch the range of motion brace. I have a feeling I may get to wean off the crutches but have to keep the brace on. Maybe, he will unlock it, as its locked at 0 degrees.
I'm used to the brace, I wore it for 3 months with the microfracture, but these hip high Ted stockings, have got to go!I have performed partial elasticectomies on most pairs and that seems to help. It doesn't matter if they just got to the knee, they are still aggravating. Sometimes, I get the urge to go all hulk and rip them off my leg but then I remember why I wear them. A Ted stocking is to prevent a thrombus(bloodclot) from becoming an embolus(moving clot).
After surgery the potential for an embolism increases, and in most cases is deadly. Now with all the procedures performed and actual patients, having an emboli is small.
Now I'm going to write down questions to ask, Dr Looney tomorrow. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to post.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Physical Therapy

Yesterday was my second physical therapy (pt) appointment. I had Andrea Turner, as my therapist at Top Rehab Services. She is extremely nice and helpful and our personalities click. Something that works for me as I like to joke and harass the therapists. Did I say harass? I meant encourage them to keep up the good work. It went very well as my knee wasn't as stiff as I expected. I had been doing quad sets, ankle pumps, and heel slides since the day shyer surgery. I did more of those, along with knee cap mobilization, straight leg raises and about 10 other exercises. I almost forgot, I did 5 minutes on a bike without resistance. After we suffered through all that, it was time for the real pain. What I like to call electro shock therapy. Its a small device that sends electric currents to your muscles via electrodes applied to various parts of your leg. It causes a contraction of these muscles, in which I must hold a ball between my knees and raise my left leg.
Now at the level I would like the device set, would have been no pain, for it would have been off. But Andrea, being the dedicated professional she is, insisted on setting it to her liking. Therfore, resulting in 15 minutes of teeth clinching and perhaps other things.
Now to say that Andrea, wasn't gracious would be lying. I showed up 15 minutes late because I didn't calculate how much longer a sponge bath takes, and not a word was said. Maybe they were hoping I wouldn't show?
Why am I still taking sponge baths? Well I thought I had a deal and someone was going to give me a shower chair but they flaked and I'm broke, so buying one is out of the question and I almost broke my neck standing on one leg. So for now its a good ole whore, I mean sponge bath.
Physical Therapy wasn't all I had up my sleeve. I was feeling good so I attended my nieces softball game. Big mistake!I could never get comfortable on the bleachers, plus it felt like walking a mile on crutches. I finally hobbled back to the car, where I nearly fell from exhaustion.
Once I made it back home, I took off the brace and Ted stocking, only to reveal a hugely swollen knee with many aches. Great, goes right along with the pains in my arms and chest from using crutches.
I immediately iced it down and woke up with slight swelling other than normal post-operatively. Oh yes, my niece and her team won 13-4. So my advice would be to take it easy, especially, after pt.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

so far

So far I have had very little pain, after left knee lateral release with chondrocyte biopsy. I am so happy and impressed, after the microfracture I had extreme pain and lack of energy. I have been staying with my folks for a couple of days, for Mothers Day and just support. I am a single woman and I didn't want to be in misery alone. Ha!
My swelling was huge the first day but with ice and elevation it has came down a lot. The most aggravating part is the hip high Ted stocking and brace, of course the crutches aren't fun either. My entire upper torso including my cheeks are sore from the crutches maybe I should take it easier?
I have 3 incisions with stitches with minimal bruising. I have some soreness up my hip but nothing to take a pill over. I ventured out to the grocery store with mama yesterday to enjoy a ride on the crip scooter. Thankfully, I had no runins with any vicious bluehairs. I took a full shower today and got almost all of the betadine out of the nooks and crannies.
I am so much more optimistic after this surgery of course I know the difficult one will be next.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I survived

I survived my surgery, YAHOO!!! After filling out paperwork and waiting an hour, I was called back. First order of business, pee in a cup, fun times, next escorted to my room where I put on this fancy gown that warms you after surgery. Then it was IV and EKG time, with Lactated Ringers running I just kicked back and relaxed. The anesthesiologist came in and explained what he would be doing, I then received some Versed and phenergan via IV to relax a little more as he done the nerve block in my thigh.That was very nice, I wished they had done that when I had the microfracture. I am still numb and have very little pain. After a visit with the family and Dr Looney explaining everything, I went into surgery. I had a lateral release with a biopsy for ACI.
I dealt better with this surgery than the last, I was more alert afterwards, of course I didn't receive pain medicine due to the nerve block. I was waking up in recovery and who's voice did I hear, Nurse Wonderful. She is extremely nice and took care of anything I needed and answered any questions I had.One was when can I pee? She also mentioned food and drink when I woke up, my kind of nurse.
I did get put back in the brace locked out at 0 and 90 degrees. I can put light touch on my toes but that's it. I'm on crutches and walking much better than last time.I had my first physical therapy appointment this morning with Andrea at Top Rehab. It wasn't too painful, she is very friendly so that helps too. I am only doing p.t. once a week, to save my alloted days for the ACI. Sleep is virtually none existent, even after taking the pain medication. I took it before I laid down in case the nerve block wore off. I am still a little loopy from it so I'm sure the next time I look at this blog, I will see all kinds of errors and things I left out.I thought I would give you a quick update today, now i'm going to ice my knee and elevate it and sober up.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

todays the day

Today is the day! Myself, Beth, and mama are on our way to the Vanderbilt Bone and Joint Clinic. It was a late night and an even earlier morning. I nearly forgot my midnight food cutoff as I was sipping on cranberry pomegranate juice, then waking up without my bowl of cocoa pebbles. Sigh! Can we say food addiction? Beth comes over with a blueberry muffin, let's just say its a good thing I don't like blueberries or she may have lost a hand.
I showered with antibacterial soap, applied no lotion to my freshly shaven legs, I can already feel the razor rash. Probably not a smart idea to shave before they shave me. I got my crutches and myself, hopefully I didn't forget anything.
This post will be a short one as I am writing it via my BlackBerry and Beths driving is....well let's just say I'm glad I'll be asleep on the way back. Just kidding! Sort of, we EMS people have our own way of doing things. I'll try to post later today but since I don't have a home computer I may not be able too. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One day to go

Surgery is officially on and scheduled for 0845 tomorrow. The surgery center was spared the devastating fate so many structures have faced during this difficult time in Tennessee. I am so ready to get this over with, but nervous at the same time. I'm not looking forward to the pain and loss of independence, one experiences after surgery. This will be round two out of a three round bout, first the microfracture won, but lateral release is going down, and autologous chondrocyte implantation will be a knockout. Nice boxing analogy, huh?!
The best part about this surgery will be no bulky brace, to hold my leg out straight and no CPM!!! Unless, Dr. Looney surprises me tomorrow. I have spent the day cleaning and honestly haven't accomplished much. Day four of severe knee pain has really hampered my activities. Those activities include, watching tv, laying down, and propping my leg up.Let's face it, you can't exactly run a marathon without cartilage, well,maybe you can if your're on biggest loser. Jillian and Bob, come to my house and help me recover, I could use a chef too.
I want to end this post by reminding everyone to continue to pray, support, volunteer, and donate for all the victims of the Tennessee Flooding. All of historic downtown Nashville, is devastated. The Cumberland River crested today and is receding but with millions and millions of dollars in damage and lives lost, the affects will be felt for years to come. Here are a few ways you can donate: Tennessee Emergency Response Fund 1-888-540-5200.,

Monday, May 3, 2010


Severe weather hit middle Tennessee again this weekend. Over eighteen inches of rain fell, resulting in major flooding, destroying houses, cars, businesses, and claiming lives.25% of our yearly rainfall total fell in 48 hours, devastating many areas including Metro Nashville.Nashville hospitals received damage, including Vanderbilt. 23 Davidson county schools fell victim to the overbearing waters.LP Field, home of the Titans, is underwater, the Opryland Hotel didn't fair any better. Shelters have been set up all across the state to accommodate those misplaced from the rains. Fortunately, myself, friends, and family were spared from any flood damage. Prayers go out to all those affected. To donate go to
Just two days from my surgery, the weekend weather has me wondering, if it will get postponed. Williamson county wasn't spared from the floods, which is where it will be done. I haven't heard anything from the surgery center but tomorrow is the day I will receive the operation time. Hopefully, they will call me and everything will be a go, not to sound insensitive, but I am ready to get it over with.
 The chaperones have been picked out and the all night babysitter is scheduled to watch me sleep. Physical Therapy is set up and I know they can't wait to see me. My crutches are shined and I have ice slurries waiting in the freezer to wrap around the ridiculously swollen knee, that i'm told i'll have. Let's not forget that grabber thingy, I have been practicing and can reach the cereal very well.As for money, I don't know what to do, I have nothing left, but with the tragedies of this past weekend, I hate to complain.All I can do is keep Faith.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Five days to go, just five more until my arthroscopic left knee lateral release with chondrocyte biopsy. To say I have the pre-surgery jitters may be an understatement, sleep has been nonexistent this week. Every time I lay down for a nap, I think of more things I need to be doing like, putting the cougar print contact paper on my cane.I have set up my physical therapy for the next day after surgery, thank you Top Rehab. for accepting me back.I may just be their favorite patient, that they see three days a week.I really don't understand why one must go to physical therapy the next day, all they do is move your leg in impossible positions causing extreme pain and double doses of pain medicine.They measure, ask questions, like you can answer them being hungover from surgery, and the weirdest thing of all, they watch you walk on crutches, multiple times down a hallway. Maybe it's only me but pain medicines, surgery, and crutches is not a good time to be observing someones gait. Just saying.
My crutches are polished and awaiting their time of need, continuous passive motion(CPM) machine is on its way. The CPM is a French made machine that moves the knee without causing pain. It has a sheep skin like padding to hold your knee in place, that is very deceiving at first feel. Day one after having the microfractures and after my leg being locked completely straight in a brace all night, the feeling of unlocking it and the softness and movement of the cpm was near paradise. This went on for about 6 weeks for 8 hours a day, and after about the second week, that soft sheep skin like padding felt more like steel wool!
The back of my leg was callused up from the cpm and from the brace.Actually, for several months after the brace was removed, when I got out from a hot shower the outline of the brace could be seen all down my leg. Everybody has their battle scars mine just happen to be in the shape of a leg brace.
I am unsure of how long i'll be on crutches, hopefully not long.I'm very uncoordinated on them plus being incredibly out of shape doesn't help the endurance for the long walks into Wal-mart, when all the handicapped parking spots are taken.So, we drive around the parking lot for 20 minutes before admitting defeat, then park about 2 miles back with the big rigs. When you get inside all of the wheelchairs are gone, so I grab a  motorized cart to get shampoo,not knowing, someone didn't charge the battery and it stops in front of the douche aisle. Help! my cart is stalled and my crutches are in the front of the store.After a couple of minutes of freaking out, I draw the attention of the 98 year old door greeter, who tells me to get up and he will show me how to drive this cart. Apparently, he can't figure out why i'm on the cart. Hello! Full length leg brace! So to prevent this from happening again, I found my own wheelchair at a yard sale, mind you I will use it as a prop for The Loo and Verne Show, when i'm finished. Now, just to find elevating wheelchair legs.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today is eight days pre-op and in preparation I began the search for my potty and shower chair. Yes, I am embarrassed to say that I have been into the blue hair section of Wal-mart and various drug stores. I haven't butt tested any of them yet, I would hate to get stuck on the toilet in my potty chair.I can see it now, the local calvary would be called, consisting of 5 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and at least 6 police cars, all with cell phone cameras with direct access to you tube. Now since I know most of these people, they would never do that, would they?!
I spent the rest of the day polishing my quad cane and that grabber thingy. I'm thinking I need to add a little bling to them, maybe cougar print? I have had no luck with elevating wheelchair legs, maybe someone out there has some.
I learned today that Top Rehab, will be losing my physical therapist, very sad I had looked forward to harassing her again. Angela Wherle, my p.t. has decided to move onto another career opportunity, so I wish her luck!!! Of course, I could just use her for home health, I'm sure that the rest of the crew cannot wait to see me again and have been in severe grief since last seeing me. Don't worry my fine therapist friends, I will be there soon. That is if they let me back, I'm still paying for the last round. What can I say being jobless sucks?
I have attempted to lose weight before this surgery, three pounds down thirty to go before my microfracture preweight. Kind of sounds like a fighter, getting prepared for a fight, in a way it is. Sure its a physical struggle, but its more of an emotional and mental battle. Just staying positive is key to a successful recovery.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wet T-Shirts

Saturday night was incredible,my sister Hope and me went to see Sylvia Browne, at the Acuff Theatre in Nashville. It stormed all day with with the chance of tornadoes and I was afraid we would be unable to go.I watched the Weather Channel all day trying to plan around the storms and while doing so Yazoo City, Mississippi got hit and devastated by a tornado. Prayers go out to the people of the town.
Just as I was leaving to pick up Hope, the rain started pouring down, flooding streets, causing me to increase my grip on the steering wheel,fifteen minutes later the rain had stopped. We made it to the theatre without incident, circled the parking lot for ten minutes and just as we stepped from the car the rain came flooding back.
I gave Hope my tiny World Wildlife umbrella and I pulled up the hood on my jacket, as we hobbled in the direction that we thought the theatre was in.We had to park about what seemed to be two miles from our destination. With my bum leg and Hope being 7 months pregnant, you can see we were in a predicament.
Ten more minutes of hobbling, resting, and near drowning, we found Acuff Theatre. We were greeted by blue hairs as water leaked from my shoes and off our clothes. The umbrella broken by the wind, was laid to rest in the trash can. Hurriedly, we walked in just as Sylvia Browne was walking on stage. The lecture was fantastic, no, we were not chosen to ask her a question but wearing wet clothes, we didn't feel like moving anyway.Over two hours later we went out on the journey back to the car, I knew if we could make it there dry clothes awaited us. Dodging buses and maniacal people, the car was found, opening the trunk and digging past the quad cane and that grabber thingy, I found 2 dry shirts. Now were are we going to change? Well with darkness on our side, right here in the car. Ditching the wet shirts, I thought about ditching the pants too but was afraid of going to jail for indecent exposure and being billed as the parking lot strippers on you tube.
We made it home safely and with a renewed spirit, easing the stress of the upcoming surgery.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Storms are ripping across the southern states today, spawning tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flooding. Hopefully, no major incidents will happen in Tennessee. Tonight Sylvia Browne is at the Acuff Theater, this will be the second time I have seen her lecture, that is if the storms hold off. She is a world renowned psychic,spiritual teacher, & author. I am in desperate need of a spiritual evening as well as spending time with my sister, who will be attending with me.We may have to take boat oars with us to get back home.I can handle the water better than a twister.
The knee hurts with the changing of the weather, rain, snow, colder temps. It even hurts down my shin to my ankle, no swelling just aches. Enough complaining, if anyone out there has a wheelchair with elevating leg rests, let me know. There is only 12 days before my lateral release surgery, that means 10 of those days will be spent in major spring clean mode. Its not like you can use the toothbrush method of cleaning when you have a bum leg, or can you? I do have one of those blue hair grabber things, hmmm, gives me an idea.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Today was the world premiere of the Twilight Saga's Eclipse trailer. I waited patiently for the Oprah show to come on so that I could watch, even though I have a DVR. The movie comes out in theaters June 30th, 2010. I don't have the second knee surgery scheduled yet, as it depends on how quick the chondrocytes grow in the lab, but i'm assuming around the first of June. Now back to Eclipse, since it comes out at the end of June and from what i'm hearing I will probably still be in the house, I have it all planned out. For now my sister and her husband have a full size truck with a nice bedliner in it. I say for now because he likes to get a new ride about every 3 months or so, anyway, there is a cool place minutes from my home, called the Montana Drive-In. The plan is to lay up in the bed of their truck and watch the movie, unless of course it's raining, I would prefer not to drown. Now I know what your thinking, don't they have handicapped seating in a standard theater? Maybe so but the drive- in costs 6 dollars a person and since having microfracture surgery cost me my job or so i'm told, money is tight. Actually, money is gone, which is why  the ads are on my sight, if anyone is reading this, would you be so kind to click on one or two, it helps pay the bills or i'm hoping it will. A girl mustn't be deprived of seeing Edward Cullen (aka, Robert Pattinson) on the big screen.
Back to the knee, since my exam yesterday it has hurt constantly, well it hurts constantly anyway but to a greater degree. I managed to ride my stationary bike for 15 minutes before it became too unbearable, no resistance of course. I am still doing the workouts from my microfracture P.T .to increase leg strength in both legs before surgery. It's very important to try to get shape, at least to a minor extent because your muscles will atrophy and for the slight chance that Robert Pattinson may be in pt rehab with me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pre-Op distress

Today was my pre-op appointment with Dr. Looney. First, I met with Debbie for the history and physical (H&P), now Debbie, is a very sweet lady, taking care to explain what is expected the day of the procedure.She listened to my heart and breath sounds and we even joked about my being a healthy fat girl except for the knee.She was sweet, that is, until she sent me for the EKG. Alright, i'm thinking no harm in that, my bra is clean, stick a few electrodes on me, sit still for 30 seconds, remove sticky things, then finish the appointment. Then I heard remove your shirt and bra and put this gown on backwards. WHAT THE HECK?!!!!
So I did as I was told, wound the gown tightly around me, as if it were a fine egyptian cotton robe and laid back on the table. The nurse, with a desire that hasn't been directed towards me in quite some time, ripped open my gown exposing for the world to see. I'm glad Verne wasn't there filming one of Loo and Verne's Adventures or my sagging boobs and stretchmarks would be all over you tube by now and the psychiatrists would be overrun with clients.Anyway, Nurse Rip-emoff, did have the courtesy to cover up my belly button.Thanks alot for that but it was too little too late.For those who don't know me, I am a healthcare professional, a Paramedic to be exact, and although this is not a blog for giving healthcare advice, I have performed many EKG's without exposing a person's everything.
Now that's over with, I move on to the next phase sitting in the waiting room, playing on the BlackBerry. Nurse: Ms. Loo, come with me to get X-rays. We are glad you wore shorts because we need to check your alignment. Great, more exposure, nurse excuse me could you let me put that there?
Finally, it's time to see Dr Looney, after a knee exam, we discuss the upcoming surgery. Which happens to be on Cinco De Mayo, do you think I can get a margarita IV? The first surgery is arthroscopic Lateral release which is  basically cutting the retinaculum that is too tight around the patella (kneecap).It will result in excessive swelling per Dr. Looney, even more than the microfracture. In that case my leg may bust, just kidding but it's going to be rough.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How knee surgery changed my life: The beginning

How knee surgery changed my life: The beginning

The beginning

This change began in September 2009, it was time for my arthroscopic meniscus repair or so I thought.  After multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI's), X-rays, nothing showed to be wrong with my knee. But with physical exams and everyday activities the pain was excruciating, so my Doctor and I along with second opinions concluded that I had a meniscus tear that was not seen by the MRI.  Alright, simple enough procedure, couple weeks of recovery, then back to work. Boy, was I wrong.
The day of surgery
Wake up 5am, shower, no food or drink.
Upon arrival at the surgery center a wonderful nurse came in and explained the who's and the what's, then started my IV access. 20 gauge Right hand. Now I am ready for my Versed. After more pleasantries and numerous times being asked "Left knee, correct?" Dr. Looney came in and autographed my leg. Yes, my Doctor's name is Looney, some say very appropriate for me, but I digress.
In rushed the anesthesia team, one quick push of Versed and it was lights out for ole, Loo, here. I was so glad they didn't ask me to count backwards, math never was my thing.
I awoke a couple hours later with a major headache and knee pain. Hmm, Dr. Looney never mentioned this brace that extends from my thigh to my ankle.Nevermind, the brace,where is my bra? I cannot stand up without it! A few groggy moments later and I was back to reality, well as much as one can be full of morphine, and requested my clothes. My idea of fashion is not a hospital gown. I quickly  dressed and was given my crutches to move into the nice recliner.I'm not for sure, but I think they were in a hurry to get rid of me.
The brace was finally explained to me, no meniscus tear, actually a very healthy one, but I had a chondral defect which resulted in a chondroplasty of the medial femoral condyle. The microfractures had a 4-6 month recovery. Great, glad I have physical therapy set up for the next day. After a few more minutes in recovery, I requested a sandwich and to go home, let's just say I didn't get the sandwich.