Monday, August 16, 2010

The Move is Complete

I have spent the last few days in a mad frenzy of boxes and wrapping newspaper around fragile items. The move is now complete and most of it, once again unpacked. The accommodations are much smaller, so finding that perfect place for each piece has took a back seat to cardboard boxes. I'm actually hoping when whoever brings the CPM(continuous Passive Motion) leaves it on the step and I avoid having to explain why I moved before a surgery.

I made the hour and a half drive to Franklin, this morning for a Pre-op exam. I'm wondering why, yes Dr Looney examined my knee but it could have waited until tomorrow. Plus, I didn't ask any of the questions I wanted too, eventhough he answered most in the usual pre-surgery chatter.

The procedure should take around two hours, not including recovery period. Its same day at Vanderbilt surgery center. My arrival time? An unbelievable 0600! I nearly fainted hearing that, I'm wondering if lack of sleep will make it harder to wake up from anesthesia?
Dr Looney, explained how the cells will be injected under the periosteum patch via arthrotomy. The camera didn't get installed so I won't get any cool video but I will get great pictures. Its the Paramedic in me, I can't resist gory pictures of my knee cut open and all that's inside.
The tibial tubercle osteotomy is what will give me the most grief. Anyone who's had a leg fracture can appreciate the pain, entailed. Right below my knee a wedge will be made in the bone to take pressure off the patella. With an 85% success rate for aci in patella defects, every effort is made to let the millions of tiny cells do their thing. Then two screws will be placed in that spot to add more discomfort and enjoyment.

I shined up the shower chair today and I have the wheelchair on standby. A ramp was built today in my honor at the homestead. An abundance of steps makes things less enjoyable. Pain medicine staging and a plethora of magazines and movies are at my disposal. I even stashed scissors close so I can give those damn Ted stockings an elasticectomy. I want get to blog as much since I have no internet or phone service in Maybery, I mean the place where I currently reside. How am I posting tonight you ask? Well I'm camped out at my sisters to make a 2 hour drive slighter shorter. I hope to post again Wednesday and quite possibly tomorrow. Depends on how medicated I am. Until next time, Blessed Be.

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