Thursday, May 13, 2010

This just in

This just in, I received a call from Dan Gates, of Vanderbilt Bone & Joint Clinic, to schedule the third surgery. It is scheduled for June 8th. Five weeks after the lateral release and chondrocyte biopsy. The third surgery is the autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). That is were they, implant new cartilage onto my defect, from my own chondrocytes grown in a lab. Dr. Looney will also do a tibial osteotomy to release pressure off the implanted patch. From what I hear, seems to be the most painful part of the procedure. Sounds all very complex to me, its actually the same surgery Olympic swimmer, Dara Torres had or so I have read.
I have read over the procedure many times online and concluded that its going to be a long and difficult journey. Especially, for someone who lives alone, being non-weight bearing for a month brings up many limits to daily activities of daily living situations. Of course, I may not be living alone then, due to money situation, the folks may have to clean out a room for me. They live a ways away and I have no cellphone service there, so its really impractical for me. Tomorrow is my post-op appointment with Dr. Looney. I'm really excited to get the six stitches out and maybe off the crutches and ditch the range of motion brace. I have a feeling I may get to wean off the crutches but have to keep the brace on. Maybe, he will unlock it, as its locked at 0 degrees.
I'm used to the brace, I wore it for 3 months with the microfracture, but these hip high Ted stockings, have got to go!I have performed partial elasticectomies on most pairs and that seems to help. It doesn't matter if they just got to the knee, they are still aggravating. Sometimes, I get the urge to go all hulk and rip them off my leg but then I remember why I wear them. A Ted stocking is to prevent a thrombus(bloodclot) from becoming an embolus(moving clot).
After surgery the potential for an embolism increases, and in most cases is deadly. Now with all the procedures performed and actual patients, having an emboli is small.
Now I'm going to write down questions to ask, Dr Looney tomorrow. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to post.

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