Monday, May 24, 2010

Physical therapy day 3

It has been several days since my last post. I have had no internet, thanks to Verizon Wireless and their lack of towers. Once I figured out all I had to do was press 3 numbers, all was good. Maybe I should ask for a free month of services, since I had nearly week long internet withdrawals.
Last Tuesday was day 3 of p.t. Tracy Mason PTA, made it a very relaxed atmosphere, as we discussed the lack of competent doctors at a local hospital.No I will not say which one, as I may be in that town and have no choice but to go there. Gosh, I hope not!
We added a few new exercises, mini, let me say mini, squats, one legged stands, wall slides. I think that's all of them, I guess I will find out tomorrow, if I left any out.Everything is going well, I'm still having pain on the short arc quads, except at p.t. Don't you just love when that happens, You have a pain and it goes away around doctors and physical therapists? Oh well, it's still there, if you guys are reading this.
I must say, I fought with Tracy, over the mini squats. I hate those things, they hurt and take me back to high school and doing wall squats in phys. ed. Sure, I could do them, then, I had knee cartilage and I was built, if I do say so myself. Plus, p.t. gets a kick out of my arguing with them and not getting my way.
I noticed my balance seems better,. I am walking faster, which my sister's husband pointed out or maybe I was just trying to escape from their three screaming kids. Two pre-teens and a three year old fighting over the last blue Gatorade, is enough to make anyone run for their sanity.
Most of the stiffness and bruising is gone. The swelling is still there but my knee, looks like a knee again. My incision sites have healed well, they are still tender to touch. I am also tolerating the knee brace better. Yahoo! Sounds very much like a good week.

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