Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today is eight days pre-op and in preparation I began the search for my potty and shower chair. Yes, I am embarrassed to say that I have been into the blue hair section of Wal-mart and various drug stores. I haven't butt tested any of them yet, I would hate to get stuck on the toilet in my potty chair.I can see it now, the local calvary would be called, consisting of 5 fire trucks, 2 ambulances and at least 6 police cars, all with cell phone cameras with direct access to you tube. Now since I know most of these people, they would never do that, would they?!
I spent the rest of the day polishing my quad cane and that grabber thingy. I'm thinking I need to add a little bling to them, maybe cougar print? I have had no luck with elevating wheelchair legs, maybe someone out there has some.
I learned today that Top Rehab, will be losing my physical therapist, very sad I had looked forward to harassing her again. Angela Wherle, my p.t. has decided to move onto another career opportunity, so I wish her luck!!! Of course, I could just use her for home health, I'm sure that the rest of the crew cannot wait to see me again and have been in severe grief since last seeing me. Don't worry my fine therapist friends, I will be there soon. That is if they let me back, I'm still paying for the last round. What can I say being jobless sucks?
I have attempted to lose weight before this surgery, three pounds down thirty to go before my microfracture preweight. Kind of sounds like a fighter, getting prepared for a fight, in a way it is. Sure its a physical struggle, but its more of an emotional and mental battle. Just staying positive is key to a successful recovery.

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