Friday, April 23, 2010


Today was the world premiere of the Twilight Saga's Eclipse trailer. I waited patiently for the Oprah show to come on so that I could watch, even though I have a DVR. The movie comes out in theaters June 30th, 2010. I don't have the second knee surgery scheduled yet, as it depends on how quick the chondrocytes grow in the lab, but i'm assuming around the first of June. Now back to Eclipse, since it comes out at the end of June and from what i'm hearing I will probably still be in the house, I have it all planned out. For now my sister and her husband have a full size truck with a nice bedliner in it. I say for now because he likes to get a new ride about every 3 months or so, anyway, there is a cool place minutes from my home, called the Montana Drive-In. The plan is to lay up in the bed of their truck and watch the movie, unless of course it's raining, I would prefer not to drown. Now I know what your thinking, don't they have handicapped seating in a standard theater? Maybe so but the drive- in costs 6 dollars a person and since having microfracture surgery cost me my job or so i'm told, money is tight. Actually, money is gone, which is why  the ads are on my sight, if anyone is reading this, would you be so kind to click on one or two, it helps pay the bills or i'm hoping it will. A girl mustn't be deprived of seeing Edward Cullen (aka, Robert Pattinson) on the big screen.
Back to the knee, since my exam yesterday it has hurt constantly, well it hurts constantly anyway but to a greater degree. I managed to ride my stationary bike for 15 minutes before it became too unbearable, no resistance of course. I am still doing the workouts from my microfracture P.T .to increase leg strength in both legs before surgery. It's very important to try to get shape, at least to a minor extent because your muscles will atrophy and for the slight chance that Robert Pattinson may be in pt rehab with me.

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